A friend of mine gets visions. He gets them about all kinds of things. He had one about me as a child. I was maybe four or five years old and had on a blue dress. I was afraid and hiding under a kitchen table to get away from whatever danger was there. I was very afraid.
I had a blue dress as a child. A blue cotton dress and he described a blue cotton dress. My friend is a Christian. I don't claim to know all the says God talks to His children today. He talked to them through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.
I don't remember much about that day all those years ago. Mother had taken my sibs somewhere and I was home with my dad. I remember sitting very quietly on the edge of my bed, when Mother returned with my sibs. I have no memories of happenings after Mother sat by me on the bed to learn what my problem was.
Many years later, Mother and I talked about that day. She found a plug of hair about the size of a quarter missing from my head. She found that plug of hair in the kitchen garbage can. She never knew what about me had provoked my dad so much that day. She didn't ask my dad.
If my friend's vision is accurate, I must have been scared out of my wits that day. My dad was 6' 3 1/2" and 240 - 250 lbs. He was a large man to say the least with a loud voice. He could be very charming or very mean. If he didn't want to be bothered, he was very mean. He often couldn't be bothered with his own children.
He didn't understand children are gifts from God. He was onc