A lot has been said in the last week about the Aurora shootings. My emotions have swung some because of it and people discussing the shootings.
There is no making sense out of something like that. I cannot. After George Sodini did what he did, I contacted a few medical professionals to learn more but they never returned any communication. I don't think they have answers. Who can but God?
I have not been angry but I have been sad this week. Sad that we make our problems others' problems. Everyone does it to some degree. The young Holmes is an extreme example of that.
Sadness arises because of the pain Holmes has caused so many including his parents. Sadness because we live in such a broken world and Jesus Christ is the answer but He is routinely rejected.
The victims and their families need continued prayer. James Holmes and his parents need continued prayer. Everyone involved has been affected and will be affected by this for the rest of their time on earth.
A young man, Pierce O'Farrill, did an interview about the incident. He was wounded twice in the shootings. He has forgiven Jim Holmes because he is a follower of Jesus Christ. He also understands the pain that Holmes must have lived with to cause him to do such a thing. Only God can touch lives like that.
It's refreshing to hear O'Farrill state he has forgiven Holmes. Rather than anger over Holmes's actions, gun rights being threatened, etc., he has forgiveness on his mind.
We can all learn a lesson from O'Farrill and practice what Jesus Christ tells us to practice. Hopefully O'Farrill will have an opportunity to talk with Holmes about The Word.